Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap is performed to please Lord Shiva or Bholenath who is the most merciful god. The words ‘Maha’, means great, ‘Mrityu’ means death and ‘Jaya’ means victory, which means this mantra gives the person victory over death by performing this jaap. Mrityunjaya Jaap rejuvenates, bestows health, wealth, long life, peace, prosperity and contentment.
Mrityunjaya Jaap is performed by panditji, starting with Gauri Ganesh puja, Kalash Navgraha Puja and the jaap is started.
When to Perform Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap?
Mrityunjaya Jaap is performed usually during auspicious months of Shravan, Karthik and days like Mondays or any auspicious day based on the nakshatra of the person.
Benefits of Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap:
- Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap is performed to prevent and save one against untimely and unnatural death.
- Mrityunjaya Jaap is very effective in removing the malefic effects of people having Kaal Sarp Dosh.
- Performing this havan eliminates Karmic dosh and helps one live a better life.
- Mrityunjaya Jaap helps one recover from major illnesses, diseases and helps in extending the life span of a person.