Sushant Singh Rajput
Kundli Analysis:
Name- Sushant Singh Rajput
Date of Birth: Tuesday, January 21, 1986
Time of Birth- 12:00:00
Place of Birth: Patna
Moon is reason of mother and desire. Whenever moon will set the relation with eighth or twelth house then it is major reason person will go in depression or tension. Saturn and moon seeing each other hence he is not able to make concentrate and enjayty feelings.
Whenever moon is contact with Rahu or Ketu then person goes in depression. Rahu is the reason for hanging or fall. Mercury is the reason, for suicide and same work also done by Rahu and ketu.
But here Mercury helped him for efforts and it had help for success also. For suicide, lagana house also important because from lagana user get idea related to suicide. In Lagana kundli, lagana house have Rahu as well as Mars and Rahu seeing each other. Also, Mars and Ketu in one house it's called Chandaal Yog result is instability in life partner. Due to Shukra he decided for acting.
From 2000 to 2018 he had Rahu mahadasha. Hence Rahu provided him money, goodwill and property.
Mars and Ketu together and Rahu impacted means Mars is getting weak as well as Saturn is in eighth house (death house) in enemy house, hence mental pressure and depression is common.
Moon is seeing in eighth house (Means very bad sign) hence wish/desire is negatively impacted. And user do not want to share his problem easily to others. Due to moon in Taurus and Jupiter on negative position it’s impact I think he did not forgot his mom.
Due To Jupitor Mahadasha, Guru Antardasha and Rahu Pratyantar dasha had been impacted his life and we lost strong and talented actor on 14 June 2020.